Greg Halvorson Blog
Greg Halvorson Blog
NEVER FORGET the names of these traitors, the 19 Republicans who voted to aid Democrats in destroying America...
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -20:38

NEVER FORGET the names of these traitors, the 19 Republicans who voted to aid Democrats in destroying America...

Hell, dare I say, is too good for them.

Had enough, America? These filthy crooks, these traitors and odious weasels, have crossed the line We must remember their names, must never forget. As I wrote on Facebook:

Patriots, behold 19 GOP traitors... When in the next two weeks, House Dems slip the $1.2 Trillion (it's actually more) CRAP sandwich into their $5.5 (not $3.5) TRILLION "reconciliation" bill... When they send $7 TRILLION in LEFTIST DREAMS back over to the Senate... When Senate Dems pass it with 50 VOTES, forever centralizing power and torching the Constitution... When two, three, four years from now, you wake up and see not America, not Freedom, not a Constitutional Republic, but instead a wretched socialist HELLSCAPE... Yes, when this happens - and it’s GOING to happen - remember these traitor’s despicable names... REMEMBER what they did... And - damn them to Hell and for ALL eternity - never forget their TREACHERY.

In my latest podcast, I elaborate on these fools. I speak, as we must, in defense of Freedom, on behalf of Truth, and in spirit with AMERICANS who are under assault.

Thanks for listening… And do not despair — keep fighting, keep organizing, keep speaking out… And never, never, NEVER give in.

~ G.H.

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