The Definition of Woke/Wokeness -- in Clear Language.
They want you to think it's complex. It isn't.
Yeah, let’s clear this up. I hear a lot of chatter about wokeness - what it is and what it isn’t - because Red State legislators, whom they say “can’t define it,” are passing laws which define it clearly. They know what it is and, having DEFINED it, are banning it because it’s evil, pernicious, and wrong.
For example: here’s a law banning doctors from sexually mutilating kids.
Another banning pedophilic drag queens from thrusting their private parts into children’s faces.
Another defeating WOKE teachers’ union monopolies.
And, finally, a bill removing DEI - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - from universities, with - bonus - daggers for CRT (anti-white racism) inside classrooms.
So, yes — defined... To be woke is to label whites “inherently racist,” to claim gender is “fluid,” and to say, insanely, that humans can “pick” their sex. Shouts that the “planet is dying,” that “oil is evil,” and that the U.S. is illegitimate, on “stolen land” — WOKE… Divisive, bigoted intersectionality — WOKE. The demonization of Caucasians, the “white patriarchy” — WOKE.
Yes, to be woke is to hate America, distort its past, and claim - preposterously - that you value “fairness” as, politically and culturally, you salt the ground.
Indeed, the most bigoted voices, the least tolerant, push CRT, its intersectional mirror, “Diversity (except for whites), Equity (not equality), and Inclusion” (exclusion), while seeking to censor alternative opinion.
To quote Joe Rogan: “Equity and inclusiveness” is the sheep costume the wolf wears to force others into submission.”
And Joe’s correct… LGBTQ cultural saturation is woke… “Gender affirming care” is woke… Ethnic tribalism, advancement-by-color, and disdain for merit (yes, ability) is woke.
Examples abound: here’s a fella asserting, unironically, that banning PORN from school libraries is “government interference.”
Here’s another - same deal - couched as “anti-Fascist.” Yes, for the Woke, outlawing porn, removing it from SCHOOLS, is a “power play,” parcel to “patriarchy,” and disagree, well —
Yes, rebut, you’re a Nazi… Want black kids to learn? Seek colorless math standards?
Can’t have those. Standards, because they’re biased (“white-made”) must, if anything, be LOWERED. For blacks, the “BIPOC,” no standards, and attempts to improve, to aim higher, are shouted down. Maintaining poverty, entrenching failure, and perpetuating the “system” - the one they profess to hate - that’s WOKE. Division trumps achievement; grievance above all.
And crime? Believe, regardless of color, that rapists, arsonists, and murderers should, for societal benefit, be put away?
No need to repeat myself. A system that incarcerates black men, who commit a disproportionate percentage of crimes, is tailored to anti-logic. Shouts of “racism,” calls for “change,” precede policies that spike crime, decimate cities, and harm blacks — DUH… That is the point. When you hear “repeat offender,” when you’re appalled by a rap sheet, know that prosecutors, subservient to Wokeism, sic these animals on society ON PURPOSE.
Because, again, the aim, the goal, is harm… And there’s no limit, no tether. Science, education, even medicine, steeped in “victimhood,” are now woke. White - and increasingly Asian - practitioners (physicians, med students, teachers) are being forced, because they exist, to denounce “complicity,” sign papers, and vow, in the workplace, to defer to shame.
Remember that Rogan quote?
Wokeism, Stalinism, and Maoism mesh… “Oppressed vs. oppressor,” all are thus framed, and if a black man steps out? If a black, who should know better, speaks, saying, I want kids, all of them, to rise, to meet high standards, not aim lower…
DUCK! … The black man, for wanting blacks to achieve is “Uncle Tom," a modern slave.
In fact, meet Larry: “the black face of white supremacy.”
Oof, that’s real… I wish it wasn’t, but it is, and it’s the “tip of the iceberg” which (of course) is MELTING… Yes, climate alarmism, its pinch-faced poster gal, are, as China cheers, very woke.
And, of course, there’s Wall Street!
The HEAD of Markets at Credit Suisse (failing in real time), is a “gender fluid” MAN who “wakes up as a woman.”
Jay Ersapah, Silicon Valley Bank’s Head of RISK Management, focused, as SVB went bankrupt, on “queer experience.”
It never ends… At HHS, the bureaucracy that wrecked Medicare, a raving loon is Assistant Secretary.
A cross-dressing kleptomaniac, a Biden appointee, managed, PRE-ARREST, America’s spent plutonium.
And all of it, this Marxist gruel, this rot, speaks to Wokeness, an ideology designed to normalize abnormality. Yes, all things non-woke - freedom, meritorious advancement, stable families - are bad, “phobic,” etc., and because Reality is no barrier, they must be torn down.
“Woke,” indeed, undermines civilization, subverts stability, then pounces.
So, Pericles had it right. Just because you do not take an interest in politics, he said, doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.
And in nothing, nada, do the Woke lack interest. They’re woodpile termites, carrion vultures…
But, alas, DEFINED, they can no longer run… Wokeism is Wolfism. Wokeism is Maoist. And the wolf is running.
Time to put it to sleep.
~ Greg Halvorson
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