Pride month doesn’t hurt anyone. Why push back against it? I get that the ultra religious have an issue with gay people but it’s 2023. Live and let live man

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Poor June! … Thirty days of virtue-signaling for people so “oppressed” that cities throw them parades, department stores give them clothing lines, and the White House, alit in polychrome wonder, pronounces “Pride” to the world.


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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023Author

Pride Month is explicitly designed to a mainstream sexual deviance, promote and celebrate debauchery, push LGBTQIA+ garbage on children, and to EMPHASIZE - again, for children - transgender "sex change"… To force people to embrace evil is the goal… To applaud the SEXUAL MUTILATION of minors, to upend and debase civility and moral truth... That is the point - the goal - of this vile theme… That is "Pride Month" — all 30 days.


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Wow, Greg, you sure typed a lot of words and managed to say absolutely nothing. What is a “leftist”? Who is co-opting what? Is mockery what Jesus would do? What evidence do you have that children are “being groomed,” as you call it? Who is virtue-signaling? Who is “sexually mutilating” minors?

It must be so painful to be so filled with hate. That is not what Jesus wants. I hope you get the help you need ❤️

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