Sitemap - 2022 - Greg Halvorson Blog

End of the Year PODCAST -- my thoughts on the DISASTER that was 2022, a clown show debacle and disgrace on EVERY FRONT...

This isn't hard... The truth rarely is.

Georgians, Georgia, you have lost your minds...

A ten sentence blog on the freeing of Brittney Griner over a U.S. Marine...

An eight sentence blog on Sam BANKman-Fried...

Thoughts on the disastrous midterm elections, a debacle like nothing I've ever seen in my life...

A pre-election Voter Guide for sane people who love America...

Thoughts on the disastrous John Fetterman and what it says about the Democrat party...

The Democrats' closing argument: We WILL sexually mutilate children... Republicans will NOT!

The miracle I experienced when Loretta Lynn died...

Gender affirmation medical "care" is EVIL... Full stop.

Absolutely AMAZING... 😳

Meet Biden "Dreamer," Oscar Garcia...

They Hate Your Guts...

Pride Month is designed to debauch America and throw unnatural sexuality in our faces...

The Uvalde debacle demands a question: What has happened to American MALES?

Are we approaching revolution?

Joe Biden's "Disinformation Governance Board" has one mission: abolish free speech...

The disastrous Obergefell marriage ruling opened the door for transgender contagion...

Black people RISE UP against the Radical Left...

In response to the crippling inflation they created, Democrats want Americans do the following...

No adoption and no "surrogate birth" should be legally allowed outside a male-female union...

To save America, I would do this immediately...

Green energy policy is destructive energy policy...

Four indelible truths the Left can't stand...

A heartfelt tribute to a marvelous Christian woman...

The question every American must ask and know the answer to...

Yet another sign that America's public education system is a dumpster fire...

Democrats want more, not less, of the following...

A terrifying thought...

The comparison of January 6th to 9-11 and Pearl Harbor is Peak Level Bonkers and clinically insane...

A few words on the corrupt, evil man who was Harry Reid...