Sitemap - 2023 - Greg Halvorson Blog

Sigh… If you want to know how far our society has fallen, watch a 70s era Christmas special

ARTificial Intelligence cannot create "art," it can only rip the heart and soul out of meaning

Ten clear truths every American should know...

Hunter Biden — history's most successful crackhead...

LGBTQ Pride — a new national religion...

On the 79th anniversary of D-Day, this I know...

The nightmare begins: PRIDE, PRIDE, PRIDE… The annual hijacking of the month of June

Happy Memorial Day… 🇺🇸 🙏 🇺🇸

The anti-family, anti-Christian, gutter-trash organization that is the Los Angeles Dodgers...

My local Walmart reflects a Third World country… We are being invaded and (purposely) destroyed

No, I'm not going to call your son a she, affirming a ridiculous delusion and lie...

Join me on Notes

Tucker's stunning departure from Fox News... I have thoughts

Wow... Our health care system is a criminal racket

Violent Democrats are the nation's #1 terrorist threat... A massive problem.

Wow, I thought this was fake, hoped it was... But it isn't. 😳

Bullet Points -- on guns and gun laws: reclaiming the misused term "common sense"...

Transgenderism is the ideology of an increasingly violent cult...

The Definition of Woke/Wokeness -- in Clear Language.

A few questions for the Left... To be followed by attacks proving my point.

Dear Freedom Lovers -- "stating the obvious" must be habitual if you want, in the future, to have Freedom to love...

The East Palestine train-wreck is the BIDEN train-wreck, writ large...

There are no atheists... Everyone has a god.

This week, for me... Sarasota or bust!!

Blacks owe a debt of gratitude to America, the greatest nation on Earth for EVERY race in it...

If you want to ban something, ban "Pride Nights" at sports arenas...

Terms defined -- Reality vs. the Orwellian manipulation of language...

Boy is this true -- thoughts on the Covid Cult, the vaccine debate, and the Buffalo Bills' Damar Hamlin...